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材 質/ Material:瓷器/ Porcelain
尺 寸/ Size:碟/Saucer – L110xW107XH28mm
胚布/Grey Cloth- L750xW750mm
容 量/ Capacity:80ml
形體設計/ Shape designed :林慈芃
圖騰設計/ Graphic designed:林慈芃
The mouse says squeak-squeak here. Squeak-squeak there.
The round shape of the body is secretly full of hidden accumulated experiences.
They stack together and ready to become a sweet fruit.
The mouse hugs himself and wakes up the buried dream from his heart.
- 注意:請勿以鐵刷或較硬質的清潔用品洗刷,以防止陶瓷品表面刮傷。
- 注意:請勿放置在微波爐使用,以及滾燙熱水中洗滌。
- 本商品若有破損,黑點、針孔等瑕疵問題,請洽本公司客服人員退換貨。
- 正確色彩請參考實際商品。
Watch list during application:
- Beware:Do not clean with iron brush or cleaning utensils made of hard and solid materials to protect the surface of porcelain being scratched.
- Beware:Do not used in microwave oven, and washed in boiling hot water.
- This merchandise is handicraft product with the mug not 100% round in shape, but for those with capacity and size within ±3% are rated as good quality.
- If ever there is any damage or blemish spot or pinholes, etc, please contact this company’s customer service for exchange of merchandise.