平衡壺Balanced Kettle
材質/ Material: 瓷器 / Porcelain
把手材質/ Handle Material:304 髮絲紋不銹鋼 / Stainless steel#304
茶盤材質/ Tea Tray Material:山毛櫸 / Beech & 304 髮絲紋不銹鋼 / Stainless steel#304
釉色/ Glaze:霧白
茶壺尺寸/ Pot Size:L190 x W130 x H113 mm ‧ 850ml
茶杯尺寸/ Cup Size:Φ 86 x H 69 mm ‧ 160ml
茶盤尺寸/ Tea Tray:盤 L500 x W180 x H10 mm
金屬架 Metal stand L448x W150 x H105 mm
形體設計/ Shape designed :3+2Design Studio
包裝設計/ All Packaging designed by Niva Hu 胡芷寧
In daily life, people make many decisions. However, if we stop thinking for 10 seconds before doing something, it will be different. Life is like a game, just to relax and take a breath, to bring balance in all affairs, and everyone can have fun in the game of life.
Today, people live in a fast-paced industrial society, to break down barriers and to re-explore relationship between people, we make this balanced design. No matter what it is that you meet someone new for the first time or old friends hasn’t seen for a long time, balanced kettle helps you to start a topic easily, to balance relationship. The design combines minimalist style and zen style, and to break away from traditional image of ceramic artworks. To keep the warm and gentle feeling of ceramics, we create clean and simple line design, and the composite materials of kettle attract user’s attention.
- 杯子為雙層杯,有隔熱效果,喝熱飲時請小心燙口。
- 把手已為您裝置完成,請盡量不要自行裝卸,以免壞損壞。
- 此組產品為岩石釉,使用注意事項請參考岩石釉的說明小卡。
- 歡迎來電或來信產品的相關諮詢。
- The cup is a double wall cup, providing built-in insulation for heat protection.
Please be carefulwhen drinking hot beverage from the cup. - The handle of pot is installed in advance for you, to prevent damage,please do not disassemble by yourself.
- The product uses mat glaze with matte finish surface, please read the instruction before using.
- Please contact us by telephone/email for product inquiry.