蓋 Lidø 285 x H 55 mm
鍋墊 pad ø 277 x H 27 mm
設計師:龐哲勳 Zhe-Xun Pang/ 謝雲濤Yun-Tao Hsieh/ 謝易成 Yi-Cheng Hsieh
產品特色 /
The casserole is made from potter’s clay and gravel sand which spreads heat evenly,
and keeps long-lasting heat, to keep original taste and specialty of enduring long time cooking.
The start of Cocera is from a mug, as time went on, our experience increased. To meet usage and demand, we started to dive into design and research of pottery clay pot three years ago.
In recent years, cookware industry develops prosperously, and coating material is diversified. On the other hand, since we have our kids, we considered about the practical function, easy to take, safety and beauty, they are the most important points of the series.
Living in an efficient society, people also pursue perfection of life. Try to use a fine pottery clay pot to cook over a slow fire, it is a good way to slow down and enjoy life. Besides its safety and advantage, enjoying cooking with a pottery clay pot is a good spice of life.
Picky kids eat with a good appetite and huge enjoyment is the largest power for mommy to make good cook. The biggest smile from kids only can be seen at home because they are in the warm family. Although times goes by, the only one thing will gonnabe the same is familiar flavor from the pot at home, it never changes.
- 請勿讓陶鍋燒乾後,在極高溫的情況下倒入油或水。
- .請勿急冷急熱的使用陶鍋,會讓陶鍋容易產生氣溫偏低時,自來水的溫度都較低,請勿讓燒熱的陶鍋用較冷的冷水沖洗。
- 使用時的陶鍋及鍋蓋會燙,請記得用溼布或防熱手套。
- 適用於瓦斯爐&電陶爐。
- 請勿放入烘碗機。
- 可用一般無侵蝕性的清潔劑及清水清洗。
- 請勿用鋼刷或硬質產品刷洗,以避免破壞表層。
- 保存時請務必小心,不要碰撞,使用前可輕輕敲擊鍋體,若聲音清脆,則是保持的很好沒有問題。若聲音有空空的濁濁聲,可能是胚體有受損,請勿繼續用。
- 天然原木,自然環境生長,木紋與顏色不均,皆屬自然現象。
- Please do not keep casserole dry out on the fire and do not pour oil or water in casserole with high temperature.
- Please do not lower the temperature and heat the casserole in a short time, it is easier to make it crack.
- Please do not use cold water (especially the tap water in winter) to wash hot casserole.
- The casserole and lid is very hot after heating, please take it with wet rags or heat insulation gloves.
- Please do not put casserole in dish dryer.
- .Please keep it away from fire and water; please do not soak it in water.
- Please use non corrosive cleaners or water to wash casserole.
- Please preserve the pot carefully, and do not collide it. Please knock the body lightly,the clear sound indicates good condition. On the other hand, if the sound is muddy,it is possible that the core part is injured, please do not use anymore.
- 第一次使用的新陶鍋,可先進行養鍋。
養鍋方法:煮白粥或粥水浸泡8小時,可透過粥水讓陶鍋的毛細孔更緊密。 - 陶鍋在煮到接近沸騰時,請趕緊關中火到小火,以避免沸騰後湯汁快速溢出。
- 沸騰後,皆可使用中小火,可節省能源,亦可達到食物烹調的效果。
- 烹調時,冷鍋冷油的方式最適當。
- 收納清洗過的砂鍋,不要將蓋子緊密蓋住,可讓陶鍋的內部通風透氣保存。
- 陶鍋的導熱及保溫性都很好,使用時瓦斯火侯可以不用太大。
- For a new casserole, you can cook congee and to soak for 8 hours, the congee water will make pores of casserole intensive.
- If you don’t maintain it for the first time, the flavor will be absorbed by the pores of casserole, and it will effect the taste of cuisine in the future.
- When the dish is going to bring to a boil, please turn the fire to a low heat,to prevent water from boiling over.
- To cook on medium heat once the dish has been boiled, it can save energy till you finish your cooking.
- The best way to cook is adding cold oil before the casserole gets hot.
- Please store the casserole after wash, and please do not put lid on to keep well aeration.
- Casserole has good thermal conductivity and thermal insulation property, medium heat is enough for cooking.