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喇叭杯 Petunia
規格: 霧白
材質 / Material: 瓷器 / Porcelain
尺寸 / Size:Φ 100 x H 150 mm
容量 / Capacity:550 ml
形體設計 / Shape designed:高才虔 by Tsai-Chien Kao
材質 / Material: 瓷器 / Porcelain
尺寸 / Size:Φ 100 x H 150 mm
容量 / Capacity:550 ml
形體設計 / Shape designed:高才虔 by Tsai-Chien Kao
Take it up gently. Facing the sunlight, the thick yet light pervious lightness amazes me. Like a booming flower, it stands lightly against the ground; the corresponding idea of time, sits in the white space.