- 380ml直覺馬克杯1入
- 直覺木質杯蓋[胡桃木]1入
- 黑十字與衣索比亞濾掛咖啡11±0.5g各3包
- 1 Intuit Mug (380ml)
- 1 Intuit Wooden Cup Lid (walnut)
- Korgua & Ethiopia Drip Coffee Bag (11±0.5g/bag, 3 of each flavor, Total of 6)
匯集幸福,致力於創造美好體驗的台灣鶯歌在地品牌「集瓷Cocera」,與有著相同信念,用一杯好咖啡增添生活美好的鶯歌自家咖啡烘焙工作室「Q Coffee」聯名推出:咖啡事-直覺馬克杯 濾掛咖啡禮盒
Gathering happiness and committing to creating a beautiful experience, Taiwan Yingge’s local brand “Cocera”, and Yingge’s own coffee roasting coffee studio “Q Coffee” who share the same belief and make life better with a cup of good coffee, jointly launched a gift box:Coffee Matters – Intuit Mug & Drip Coffee Gift Box.
以『The simple things matter most』概念,設計一系列Home Cafe 標準配備,適合對沖煮咖啡有興趣的新手,或是已有相當沖煮經驗的使用者。挖掘及嘗試不同萃取方式所帶來的樂趣,演譯出一杯獨具自我風格的咖啡。
Since the establishment of Taiwan Yingge’s local brand “Cocera”, it has been a symbol of the interaction between ceramics and life, and it is the gathering of happiness. Committed to creating a better experience, we planned and developed a new series of “Coffee Matters” in 2022, expecting users to enjoy every moment of brewing coffee. Based on the concept of ” The simple things matter most “, we designed a series of Home Cafe standard equipment, so that users enjoy a wonderful coffee brewing experience at home at any time.
- 注意:請勿以鐵刷或較硬質的清潔用品洗刷,以防止陶瓷品表面刮傷。
- 注意:可以放置在微波爐、洗碗機、滾燙熱水中洗滌。
- 本商品為手工產品,杯口非100%正圓,容量與尺寸±3%內皆屬良品。
- 本商品若有破損,黑點、針孔等瑕疵問題,請洽本公司客服人員退換貨。
- 正確色彩請參考實際商品。
- 商品尺寸皆為手量,±3mm為正常誤差範圍。
- 不可使用洗碗機/烘碗機/微波爐,避免碰撞,以免原木龜裂變形。
- 請勿使用化學洗劑或金屬刷具,以絨布沾取些許清水擦拭即可。
- 勿浸泡水中太久,洗滌後請將水分擦乾,於乾燥處風乾。
- 請避免長期曝曬陽光下造成變形,或放置潮濕處以免受潮發霉。
- 如有任何強烈味道滲入木材中,可用檸檬片揉搓並風乾。